"Devotional Polytheism for Dummies" πŸ•―

 I wish that someone had handed me a book called "Devotional Polytheism for Dummies" when I was new to Paganism and confused as heck. You can't walk into a Barnes & Noble without stumbling upon a sprawling witchcraft section, but it's near impossible to find books that approach Gods and Goddesses from a devotional polytheist standpoint.

Everyone's polytheism is different, but I define my spirituality this way.

"Devotional polytheists work with and worship distinct Gods and Goddesses, who are viewed as separate entities with unique personalities, motivations, and desires." 

This is where polytheism diverges from regular Paganism. A lot of witches and Pagans view deities as archetypes or minor spirits, whereas polytheists worship them as literal gods. Don't be fooled by the word "God", though- we have a radically different view of the Divine than the monotheist mainstream. 

Here are some of the basic principles of devotional polytheism. 

1. We recognize an infinite amount of Gods and Goddesses across world religions, which leads to greater tolerance and understanding. 

(For example, I don’t practice Hinduism or Shinto, but I acknowledge the existence of their deities and the validity of their religious beliefs). 

2. We view the Gods as separate individuals with their own personalities, agendas, and desires. 

(Zeus does not 🟰  Thor)

3. Our Gods are gender diverse! Many Pagan deities fall under the LGBTQ+ umbrella, which makes Paganism a welcoming home for queer and trans people. 

(I mean, have you met the Hellenic pantheon?)

4. Many of our Gods are connected to nature, represent natural forces, or are part of nature itself 

(Gaia is the Earth Herself; Demeter is the goddess of agriculture)

5. Religion is a choice. Everyone has the right to worship the Gods of their choice- or no Gods at all- without the threat of eternal damnation or punishment. 

(On that note, we welcome witches and anyone who seeks to reclaim their sovereignty with magic.)

6. Humans can form loving and meaningful relationships with various Gods and Goddesses. We honor them so that we can learn, grow, and become better people. 

These are the foundations of devotional polytheism. Of course, it doesn't even begin to touch on the big questions (What IS a God or Goddess? How do we form relationships with them?)... but that's a blogpost for later. In the meantime, this might help you figure out if polytheism is something that calls to you. At the very least, I now have a blogpost to share with confused friends and relatives who've never heard of my religion. πŸ˜‚

“The Gods we worship write their names on our faces; be sure of that. And a man will worship something ... That which dominates will determine his life and character. Therefore it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Which values are important to you? Who do you want to become?

In the Gods,

Rose Eleusis 🌹


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