The Truth About Deity Work
On online platforms like WitchTok and Pagan Tumblr, you can't swing a gorgon's head without running into misinformation about how deities are "dangerous," only safe for advanced witches. Influencers on social media gatekeep new practitioners, insisting on rigid parameters for interacting with Gods and spirits.
I call bullshit.
The Greek Gods are religious figures honored across history, including in modern times. Although it's perfectly valid to honor them in a non-religious context, it's also important to recognize that They're not genies meant to do our bidding. That's why I don't apply the term "working with deities" to my relationship with the Theoi. The phrase "working with" implies that our bond is about a goal or transaction. Just as you wouldn't run up to a random stranger and demand, "Hey, you! Held me find a girlfriend!", it seems rude to tell Aphrodite "Help me fall in love now" if you've never met before and are appearing before Her empty-handed.
Of course the Gods bestow blessings on Their followers! Aphrodite helped me find the love of my dreams, but this Goddess and I have a pre-existing relationship and I thank Her for Her blessings with offerings like sweet tea and flowers. I spend time with Aphrodite at my shrine, tell Her about my day, and praise Her with songs and poems. When She grants my prayers, it's part of the cycle of reciprocity between us. So before you summon a random God to ask for favors, consider first establishing a relationship with Them.
As for the idea that deities are "dangerous," remember that the Gods were worshiped safely by regular people in ancient times, not just advanced witches or trained magicians. Small children prayed to the Theoi and even served as Their priests, so most Gods in the Greek pantheon are safe to interact with. Although I would never summon the Furies or kakodaimons (malevolent spirits), it's perfectly safe to interact with Hermes and Athena. Yes, the Gods are capable of anger, but They don't direct it at beginners who make innocent mistakes. Anyone who tells you otherwise is fearmongering.
The worst example of this is when online witches tell you that kakodaimons will masquerade as Gods and steal your offerings. I think this idea is downright ridiculous because the Theoi are more powerful than any minor spirit. I mean, do you think Apollo would let some little kakodaimon mess with His beloved followers? He's Apollo! Not to mention, most ancient Greeks didn't set wards or spells before invoking the Theoi. You don't need protective magic to interact with the Gods.
At the end of the day, these misconceptions come down to gatekeeping. By spreading fear about "deity work," gatekeepers position themselves as authorities when they're often as inexperienced as the next newbie Pagan. Whether you're a Hellenic Polytheist or an eclectic witch, humans have enjoyed relationships with the Greek pantheon for thousands of years. Have fun, be respectful, and stay away from misinformation online.
In the Gods,
~Rose Eleusis
I do think there's room for caution- I've been in rituals where dizzying cross-pantheons of Gods have been gigglingly invited, and while nothing blew up, drama inevitably followed and groups disintegrated. I don't know that I necessarily feel 'safe'—I've been in ritual space with a Theos or three that have scared me silly. But I think we're in agreement overall, in that (at least in my case) the incidents of Holy Terror and just plain old terror did not occur until I was well into priestesshood. They didn't scare me just for fun.
ReplyDeleteYou absolutely don't need protective magic or ANY magic to interact with the Gods!
^^^ All of this.
DeleteThe Gods are multifaceted and have terrifying aspects, but They don’t go around terrorizing beginners for no reason. I once saw a social media post where a girl claimed that Aphrodite tried to drown her in the bathtub because she offered the wrong type of roses. Moral of the story? Don’t “work with” Aphrodite because She’s petty, cruel, and will harm you if you don’t have the proper magical protection. This is… not the Aphrodite I know- I think a literal GODDESS has better things to do than bully some fourteen year old on Tumblr.
Fear in ritual is a beautiful part of ecstatic mystical practice, so it breaks my heart that gatekeepers distort it into a way to keep young people out of Paganism. Children and teens can worship the Theoi! Why couldn’t they, when there are Gods associated with childhood? I used to pray to Artemis when I was in elementary school and I felt Her presence very strongly.
A lot of the fearmongering comes down to power. By scaring young people away from the Gods, gatekeepers position themselves as spiritual authorities when they’re often actually just as experienced as the next Instagram witch. I consider this the most common form of hubris in modern Hellenic Polytheism- it disrupts relationships and denies the Theoi Their followers.
That’s why I appreciate your comment so much- caution is important and fear can be a sacred part of spiritual practice. It’s just that so many people on the Internet sadly abuse it. This probably warrants its own blog post….
I have a healthy fear of Demeter- “Behind every terrifying underworld Goddess is an even more frightening mother.” Out of all the Gods in the Greek pantheon, She’s the one who scares me shitless ๐