"Help! I'm Being Stalked by a Greek God."

Someone is tapping on your shoulder. 

You know that feeling. She's always on your mind, even in your dreams. You see Her everywhere and feel the uncontrollable urge to buy Her flowers and scented candles. You want to dedicate your life to Her and change religions.

No, this isn't about falling in love (although some Pagans fall in love with their Gods). The truth is a lot more daunting.

You're being called by a God. Or trolled, stalked, seduced, pursued, summoned- depending on the situation.

What's going on?!

Many Pagans experience the call of a deity or spirit. In fact, it's one of the main reasons why people come to religions like Heathenry, Hellenic Polytheism, and Wicca. Since most of us aren't raised Pagan, the Gods often have to grab our attention. 

Of course, not everyone experiences a call or is able to sense one. A call doesn't make you "special," "chosen," or destined to become a religious leader. It just means that a particular deity wants your attention. If you don't perceive the Gods reaching out to you, then reach out to Them and They'll be happy to meet you. A sudden interest in Paganism or a particular pantheon can also be considered a "call," even without obvious signs and omens. Your journey is no less valid!

Is a God reaching out to me?

You might experience these signs:

- Dreams about the deity

- Frequently seeing Their sacred symbols

- Strange occurrences that can't be explained by natural phenomenon 

- Messages from the Divine, whether through humans, divination, or nature

- Powerful interest in the deity and their worship

Hearing the call.

Most of the time, calls aren't dramatic movie-like moments. This isn't Percy Jackson, where a God claims you at camp and Their symbol appears above your head in glowing letters. Instead, it might mean a sense of security and love as you watch a thunderstorm and think of Thor. It might mean an itching curiosity to learn about Anubis and Egyptian embalming.

What if a God reaches out to you but you don't want to answer? Paganism is a religion that respects the sovereignty of all individuals. If you refuse Their call, the God will always back off, except in rare cases. When discerning a call, it's important to consider why this Being is following you and the trade-offs of accepting or refusing. 

A journey to my Goddess. 

My call wasn't cinematic. There were no spectacular signs or omens. One day, I developed a fascination with Persephone; I found myself writing letters to Her and researching Her ancient worship. It was like I had known Her across lifetimes. I had only one dream about Her, where a Goddess in a flower crown appeared behind the wheel of a black hearse in my driveway. She told me, "Get in the car" and we drove off into the darkness.

My call came down to an excruciating choice: an easy, unmeaningful life as a progressive Christian... or a Pagan path that would be tumultuous yet wildly fulfilling. I chose the harder option, and three years later, it's still the best choice I've ever made. Following the Theoi comes with tremendous challenges, but it also brings joy and fulfillment. 

May you be called to happiness!

As above, so below, 

~ Rose Eleusis 


  1. I"m so thrilled that you heard and answered the call!


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